Florentino Perez: ?Winning titles, the D?cima and putting on a good show are the challenges?

  The Real Madrid president,  Florentino Pérez, opened the  2013 Delegate Members' General Assembly with a speech in which he spoke  about, among other matters, the coach Carlos Ancelotti and the team he  is training: “We are looking for seductive football through a technical team of the highest level and the renewal of the contract of the best player in the world. We have made a leap in quality and we are playing at the maximum level of competitivity. We have Ancelotti, an unquestionable coach if we look at his experience , and a man who is proud to have come here. He meets all the conditions to  triumph here and is ideal for this club. He has by his side Zidane and Cristiano Ronaldo as a reference. The Portuguese is an example of professionalism and love for this club, and he has sealed his alliance for many years to come. To win trophies,  to win the tenth (European Cup) and to offer spectacular football are the challenges". 

Florentino Perez: ?Winning titles, the D?cima and putting on a good show are the challenges?
NEWS.Alberto NavarroPhotographer: Realmadrid.com

Referring to the new faces which have arrived this summer to play in the first team  the Real Madrid president said: “We have strengthened the squad by bringing in youth and talent. Bale is one of those players destined to mark an era. He has fulfilled his dream to wear the shirt he always wanted to put on, and he will help us to face all our  challenges. We have brought in two of the great hopes for Spanish football; Isco and Illarramendi. Isco has already won the hearts of all those who love football and is now a part of the national side. He is a different type of player who has now shown his talent in  the Champions League. Illarramendi was one of the best in the recent European Under-21 Championship. He is hungry for football and anxious to win, like Carvajal, the boy who placed the first stone in  Ciudad Real Madrid, and has now come home after playing in the Bundesliga. In addition we are very happy to bring in second team players such as Jesé, Morata or Nacho, a full international just a few days ago; Casemiro, the revelation of the pre-season and who has now played as a full international with Brazil; and Jesús. Further proof of our belief in the second team".

Regarding the objectives of the  football team for this season, he said: “To win trophies, to win the tenth European Cup and to offer spectacular football are the challenges. We have laid the foundations to  aspire  to everything. There is only one destiny in the minds of  Madrid supporters; to win and to challenge for that which seems impossible. We have the capability, ideas, stability and unity to do it. We believe in the model which Santiago Bernabéu set out, and each of us wants to increase the talent in our squad".

He also spoke about the lower categories in the club: “The second team is a badge of identity, where players who want to play in the first team are trained and educated. New players from the current squad have arrived from the Real Madrid second team. There are 44 players in the First Division who came from the second team, 52 in other European leagues and 36 in the second division: 132 in total. Castilla was the best subsidiary last season and coached by Toril it broke its historical goals tally. For that reason we need to be patient at the start of this season, because success will come. Real Madrid C  managed their best classification in their history in Second B. We are also the club which supplies the most players to the three main lower categories of the Spanish national side. It is not easy to  join the first team, but  we believe and work hard in the second team".

Florentino Pérez also referred to the basketball team: “A year ago I told you that we owed a debt to our basketball supporters, and today we can reaffirm that we have got back that feeling with a team that had given us trophies, such as the League and the Spanish Supercup. In addition we were  close to winning the European Cup and we played the final of the Euroleague after an absence of 18 years. We have to thank the unconditional support  provided in the Palacio de los Deportes  and our fans have enjoyed some spectacular play  from Pablo Laso's team, very much to the taste of Real Madrid basketball followers. We have brought in Bourousis, Mejri and Dani Díez, who was trained in our second team”.

Regarding the Santiago Bernabéu stadium and the  Ciudad Real Madrid, he assured: “The Santiago Bernabéu is the main territory of Madrid supporters' emotions. We have a very ambitious project for its renovation. We want  it to become the best stadium in the world and we want it to become one of the most emblematic and representative buildings. We hope that during the coming weeks we will be able to announce the project chosen to be carried out. We feel proud of the Ciudad Real Madrid and the first team residential area , which is pioneering  and state-of -the-art. Also  that of the second team, which has been done for the first time. With that  there will be a before and after for the second team".

Regarding the club press office, he said: “Very soon Realmadrid.com will have a new version, in line with the needs of the members. We are working  to provide the greatest possible diffusion for RealmadridTV and so that it is transmitted via the internet".   And in addition he spoke of the Real Madrid University School: “We are the only club with a university school, which offers 10 masters, and over 1000 students have passed through its classrooms  during the last course".

The Realmadrid Foundation was also referred to by Florentino Pérez before the representative members: “We want to achieve a great victory against inequality. The Realmadrid Foundation has gained the honour of being a good part of the soul of Real Madrid. We have 317 projects in over 60 countries which promote the practice of sport, and a few weeks ago I was able to witness the work being done in Colombia. The Corazón Classic Match was once again a success and Real Madrid will not lower its guard when combating inequality, above all when it affects children".

Finally he underlined the traditional club values and said: “Our values are indestructible. We cannot allow unsuitable behaviour and we have to stick to our Madrid principles. We all want a Real Madrid associated with excellence. Real Madrid have built a legend which we must cultivate through the work of everyone. Together for Real Madrid and undaunted by the size of the challenge".