The Congress will be online and open to football and basketball coaches in the Real Madrid Foundation's National Area and to professionals in the field of education through sport who would like to take part in the Congress through Sport Values Academy TV.
The main objectives of the congress are:
- To further develop the promotion and planning of educational values in the introduction to sport.
- To promote gender equality as an important necessity in sport practice during the school years.
- To study the training process in sport from an integral perspective.
- To raise practical proposals in football and basketball in order to develop the perceptual-cognitive development of young players.
- To find out about the results of the educational-sports programme that the Real Madrid Foundation has implemented for many years.
The Congress organisation and structure is composed of main conferences, workshops and talks on examples of good practices related to the introduction to sport from an educational perspective.
Real Madrid City. All content will be broadcast live on Sport Values Academy TV. It will also be possible to view the Congress recorded to allow all attendees to participate.