Minors who find themselves in the protection or foster care system and looked after by the authorities for a range of reasons feature amongst the most forgotten groups of children within our society. These participants are in a particularly delicate situation and their time in care aims to re-educate them with a view to promoting their social reintegration and they benefit massively from playing sport, which promotes values of personal and social development that are very helpful in terms of their recovery. In many instances, these individuals need authority figures to act as behavioural role models.
With regard to minors in foster care, on account of abandonment, unaccompanied minors or minors whose families are unable to care for them benefit from sporting activity, which not only improves their physical fitness, but also enhances their academic and emotional performance by promoting a sense of belonging, values of camaraderie and teamwork, the motivation to pursue self-improvement, responsible autonomy, equality and self-esteem.